Do You Need An Industrial Concrete Pumping Service

By Adriana Noton

The most efficient way of placing concrete is using an industrial concrete pumping service. Because it is efficient and time saving it is often the most cost effective solution. There are two types of pump. A line pump is often used for smaller operations and for bigger jobs there are a range of boom pumps that can be used.

Line pumps are small versatile units that are mounted on trailers for easy maneuverability. Because of their size they are normally able to be placed close to where they are needed. They are used for a whole variety of mixes such as grout, mortar, wet screed and foamed concrete.

Hydraulically driven line pumps are able to deliver over 150 cubic yards in an hour. They are very simple mechanically and make use of ball-valve systems that are very easy to clean and maintain. They are ideal for low volume use and are often used on heavily reinforced sections and shotcreting. They can also be used for underwater repairs and fabric forms.


Where a higher volume and longer reach is require a boom pump can be used. These are permanently mounted on trucks and form a single mobile unit. The boom is comprised of several sections that support linked steel pipes. The end section will have a rubber pipe that can be maneuvered for accurate pouring.

Boom pumps can be used for anything form light residential use to large commercial projects. They are typically used for large slabs and multi level construction due to their long reach. They can also be used for bridge, dam and road construction.

The size of truck that is used can range from single axel, which has the best cost to output value, to six axle rigs that can handle much bigger volumes. The boom arm can consist of between 3 and 5 sections. Five sections booms have a reach of up to 200 feet but they need more vertical room for unfolding.

Due to their long reach these trucks will usually do an entire job from a single location. This allows the trucks that feed it to work efficiently by moving in and out of the same spot. The most important thing to remember is that the ready mix has to be suitable for pumping.

There are three components to concrete. The mixture is held together by the cement which is caused to set by the water. This is bulked up by an aggregate of sand and stone. When it is being pumped the sand, water and cement acts as a lubricant within the pipes. The mixture therefore has to be quite runny but adding too much water can cause water bleeding once it is in place and it can also cause the end product to be weaker.

To overcome this problem various admixtures can be used to increase viscosity without adding more water. A pumping primer is specific for this purpose but fly ash and air entrainment admixture also improve pumpability as well as having other positive benefits. If you have any queries then speak to your industrial concrete pumping service.

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